Rosacea and Heavy Metals

If you’re familiar with Anthony William (Medical Medium) then you’ve heard of the problem with heavy metals. He believes they are the underlying cause of hundreds of ailments ranging from psoriasis to Alzheimer’s to thyroid conditions. When I first heard this theory I didn’t give it much thought. (This was back when I thought rosacea was a skin condition.) After all I’ve learned in the past 10 months and all the people I’ve witnessed get better after years of rosacea, I do think heavy metals play a role. Mercury is the biggest offender, followed by aluminum, lead, copper, etc. We are exposed to these metals daily in our water, medications, vaccines, canned food, soda cans, cookware, deodorant, medications, makeup, lotions, shampoo, etc. Ugh. Now a small amount of heavy metal exposure is manageable, but the problem is we are no longer eating the foods necessary to purge these metals out of the body.

Heavy metals most often land in our liver, gut and brain. They stay there, accumulating over time. Heavy metal deposits in the brain are the main cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s. Heavy metal deposits in the liver are one of the underlying causes of rosacea. So how do we rid our bodies of these metals? There is a combination of ingredients recommended by Anthony William which is very effective. I started making smoothies last fall with all the ingredients when I considered the possibility of this being the underlying cause of my rosacea. These ingredients all work in harmony to latch on to heavy metals, carry them to the kidneys and colon, and get rid of them! The problem is I don’t like taking the time to prepare everything, so I came up with an alternative: a heavy metal detox drink. It turns out that 4 of the 5 critical ingredients are already in the Greens Balance powder I use daily. (Spirulina, Chlorella, Barley Grass Juice Powder, Blueberries). I then add a scoop of cilantro powder or eat cilantro during the day, and I’m done.

I knew this detox was working when I started to have sore gums. I couldn’t figure out what this was from so I would go a couple of days without the greens, and my gums would stop hurting. Then when I did the greens again, within a few hours my gums would start to ache. It finally occurred to me that it was probably the mercury in my amalgams. They ached on and off for a few weeks, then finally stopped aching. Many people experience headaches the first few weeks of doing a heavy metal detox, but I always see all side effects as a good thing. They are temporary, and they are a reminder that you are on the right path.

I plan to have this daily drink for the rest of my life, along with my liver detox tea and probiotic. While I’ve already purged the majority of toxins, chemicals and heavy metals that were overwhelming my organs, I want to keep my liver happy for maintenance. So a daily greens drink and a cup of detox tea are certainly within reason.

If you would like to make your own smoothies, the best ingredients are:

-Cilantro, wild blueberries from Maine, Atlantic dulse, spirulina, chlorella, and barley grass juice powder. There are a few other substitutions that can be made, but those are they key ingredients.

This is also an excellent daily drink to give kids (35 fruits and veggies!) or elderly who may be showing early signs of dementia. While you may not see results right away, over time, why NOT detox heavy metals from the body?

2 thoughts on “Rosacea and Heavy Metals

  1. thanks so much. I cannnot STAND cilantro but am interested in what protein powder you use that has the other “stuff” in it. If I use that and some blueberries, it might help! ps. I’m also gluten-free so I can’t use the barley grass powder.


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